Scarface has joined the growing list of people to test positive for COVID-19. The legendary MC told fellow Geto Boys member Willie D about his difficult experience with the coronavirus in an interview on Willie’s YouTube channel on Thursday (March 26).
“This whole three weeks has been an ordeal, Will,” Scarface said. “It’s the craziest shit I’ve ever done and seen in my life. Like I’ve been to the point where I just felt like I was gonna die, bro. I threw up so much until it was just like hot sauce. Like your gases and shit in your stomach, yo acids, it’s hot. I didn’t have no food in my stomach, man. It was just coming up like bile, bro. I couldn’t breathe, Will.”
Scarface’s situation has become precarious because he’s also dealing with kidneys problems. He told Willie his coronavirus issues are preventing him from finding out what’s wrong with his kidneys.
“I got to feeling really, really, really bad, Will,” he recalled. “I started off with pneumonia in both of my lungs. Three, four days later, my kidneys failed. Three or four days after that, they tell me I can’t move out the quarantine … I gotta wait till this subsides so I can go see what’s going on with my kidneys now.”
Willie asked his longtime rap partner to detail his multi-week ordeal to get properly diagnosed. According to Face, he’s been in and out of the hospital.

“I woke up Sunday morning,” he explained. “I had a itch in my throat, called my doctor. He got me some Z-Pak and Prednisone. Take that, take that, take that. Come Thursday, my fever just kicks in; bam! 100, 101, 102, 103 [degrees]. Fever going up out the roof, right? It’s Thursday.”
He continued, “Then Friday, Saturday, Sunday, I go to the ER. I get in there. I’m freezing to death. They stick these needles in my arm and started running me IVs. Through my IV, they bring antibiotics through my veins. Through my IV, I couldn’t take it. So, they run me three or four bags a day of that shit. I leave. I go in Sunday, Monday, I’m out Tuesday. That next Friday, I’m back in sitting [there] even sicker.”
Scarface finally got some clarity this past week, learning he had COVID-19.

“So, I stay in [the hospital] until Sunday,” he noted. “They swab my nose trying to find out if I got coronavirus. Come back in there again that next Wednesday, Thursday. Nothing! Last night, they call me to tell me at 11:30 at night that I tested positive for the COVID-19.”
Check out Scarface’s full conversation with Willie below.
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