Tony Yayo of G-Unit rejected an offer of nine months in prison yesterday (July 24th) for assaulting Jimmy “Henchmen” Rosemond’s 14 year-old son.
Yayo was arrested in March and charged with misdemeanor assault, harassment and endagering the welfare of a child. The child claimed he was slapped by Yayo near his father’s Czar Entertainment offices in Manhattan. Following this, Yayo posted $5,000 bail.
The rapper’s attourney, Scott Leemon, didn’t seem to think much of the prosecution’s offer. “The prosecution’s nine-month offer is one Tony vehemently rejected,”
said Leemon. “It’s not even a good offer for a guilty person, and Tony
denies the allegations absolutely.”
Leemon also requested that the court subpoena e-mail correspondence between Czar Entertainment and their public relations firm, 5W Public Relations.

The case has been adjourned until September 6th.