Clifford “T.I.” Harris’ recent appearance on the Ladies Like Us podcast sparked controversy after he revealed he accompanies his 18-year-old daughter Deyjah to the gynecologist to “check her hymen.”
As a result, the women who conduct the podcast — Nazanin Mandi and Nadia Moham — have taken the episode down and issued an apology for not properly handling the situation.
“To everyone confused, angry and hurt by the recent episode of Ladies Like Us, we want to start off by saying that we sincerely apologize for our knee jerk reaction to the uncomfortable topic,” an Instagram post reads. “We were completely caught off guard/shocked and looking back, we should have reacted much differently in the moment.”
Mandi and Moham continued, “The comments that were made and the reaction that followed are not in any way a reflection of our personal views on the topic. We support and love Women and feel that their bodies are theirs to do as they wish. There was absolutely no ill intent towards any party involved & feel deeply awful about the entire incident.

“We are not perfect, take full accountability of our lack of action & are continuously learning along the way. We know an apology doesn’t make this go away but we welcome the discussion – that’s what our podcast is about.”
During Tip’s appearance, he went into detail about their trip to the doctor together.
“So it’s this one time we go, I think this might have been after her 16th birthday,” he explained in audio captured by TMZ. “This is what we do… Usually, like the day after the [birthday] party, she’s enjoying her gifts. I put a sticky note on the door: ‘Gyno. Tomorrow. 9:30.’ So we’ll go and sit down and the doctor will come and talk and the doctor’s maintaining a high level of professionalism.”
Naturally, Tip’s comments drew the ire of social media, prompting Mandi and Moham to do damage control.

Planned Parenthood also weighed in on Twitter in an attempt to educate Tip and anyone else who believes sex is the only way to stretch that part of a woman’s anatomy.