Jefe Wine, also known as Maurice Williams, has filed for divorce from Iggy Azalea, according to TMZ.
Wine says that he and Azalea had a common-law marriage. In court documents, Wine says the former couple “agreed to be married, holding themselves out as man and wife and began residing together in the State of Texas on or about September, 2008.” According to Wine, they stopped living together in 2013. If everything Wine alleges is true, they would be considered a married couple in Texas.
However, Azalea says she never agreed to marry Wine and never held herself out as his wife.
Azalea and Wine have been at odds for several reasons recently, including a fight over music Iggy made while she was with him. Wine has also tried to stop Azalea from selling assets they obtained while they were allegedly married.

If the marriage is recognized in court, music made while they were together would be considered community property, meaning both parties would own 50 percent.
Wine also recently said he appears in an Azalea sex tape that was being shopped without the Rap star’s approval.
Azalea’s camp said they were prepared to sue over any alleged sex acts caught on video.
Recently, Azalea announced Reclassified, her upcoming album.

(October 10, 2014)
UPDATE: Iggy Azalea sent a series of tweets yesterday (October 10) regarding her purported marriage to Jefe Wine.
The tweets are as follows:
RELATED: Iggy Azalea Signed Off On Sex Tape With 2009 Contract, Says Jefe Wine