Even though ODB is gone his image is sure to live on through his television show. A few weeks before he died ODB (also known as Russell Jones) filmed a reality show titled “Stuck on Dirty”. Authorized by his mother Cherry Jones and his manager Jared Weisfeld the show was filmed by Spike TV and finished production right before he died. “It was mine and his mom’s call to air the show, and we decided that for his fans this was a no-brainer. Dirty would have wanted it and the show has to air,”Weisfeld told NY Daily News.

During the show a guy, Bob from Queens is faced with a challenge to stay within 10 feet of ODB for five days straight. Bob is electronically linked to ODB that beeps if he moves to far and loses $5,000 for every time the alarm goes off. “Dirty led a very dirty lifestyle”, a producer of the show said. “They didn’t call him Ol’ Clean Bastard”. The show will air early next year