Inimitable talk show host Howard Stern flatly stated Brooklyn Nets superstar Kyrie Irving was a “douchebag” for refusing to get the COVID-19 vaccine in order to keep playing in the National Basketball League (NBA).
“In terms of idiots, he’s gotta be the top idiot in the country right now,” Stern said during his SiriusXM radio show on Tuesday (October 19). “Guy’s got a chance as a young man to make millions of dollars, all he’s got to do is get vaccinated, but he doesn’t want to get vaccinated.”
Irving will forfeit about half of his $35 million salary, but he said last week it’s not about the money: “I am doing what’s best for me.”
As criticism mounts surrounding Irving’s decision, Chris Brown is stepping up to the plate to defend the 29-year-old athlete. On Wednesday (October 20), Brown took to his Instagram Stories and wrote, “THE REAL HERO!!!! I stand with my brother. WHOEVER DONT LIKE IT…Go live your damn life. ITS HIS CHOICE AND A DAMN GOOD ONE. ALWAYS IN MY BROTHERS CORNER.”

Comments poured in under The Shade Room’s post, including one from T.I. who left a simple “bullseye” emoji.
Unsurprisingly, reactions to Tip’s post were mixed. One person wrote, ” If you loved our community like you act like you do you would be encouraging our people to get vaccinated. Anything else is irresponsible and dangerous,” while another said, “so you trust coke from a stranger but worried a vaccine .. ok.”
Still, others supported Chris Brown, Tip and Irving, applauding them for standing by their convictions. Meanwhile, the COVID-19 vaccine continues to be a point of contention for many Americans. Stern, for one, has made it abundantly clear where he stands on the issue.

“I don’t know who runs the Brooklyn Nets, but I wish they were running the country,” Stern said. “I love this. Basically saying, ‘Listen, douchebag. You’ve got to do what is right, that’s it.’”
Last month, Stern blamed anti-vaxxer “imbeciles” for “clogging” hospitals after refusing the shot and getting sick.
“Stay home,” he said. “Die there with your COVID. Don’t take the cure, but don’t clog up our hospitals with your COVID when you finally get it. Don’t bother with science, it’s too late. Go fuck yourself ― we just don’t have time for you.”