The entire world knows Wu-Tang Clan ain’t nuthin’ to fuck with — and Method Man is making sure it stays that way.
On Wednesday (May 6), the athletically inclined MC share an Instagram post of himself executing a 435-pound deadlift, all while listening to Warren G’s “Regulate.” At the same time, Meth promoted his new Tical Athletics clothing line, which includes a variety of t-shirts and more.
“435 lbs deadlift,” the caption reads. “Training Is Commitment And Lifestyle T.I.C.A.L athletics.”
After watching Meth’s video, Men’s Health fitness director Ebenezer Samuel C.S.C.S. appeared to be primarily impressed with his technique.

“This is a pretty clean deadlift overall,” he said. “His hips never rise above the shoulders, and his core stays pretty tight … If there’s a nitpick, it’s that his head doesn’t stay neutral; he’d benefit from shifting his gaze toward the floor instead of looking straight ahead. But that’s a common flaw.”
Working out and focusing on self-improvement has become crucial during the coronavirus pandemic. Meth is simply doing what it takes to stay fit until tours can resume and the world can slowly begin to rebuild.