Lil Reese was shot in the Chicago suburb of County Club Hills earlier this month.
He was initially listed in critical condition after a bullet entered his neck. Since then, he’s been inching toward making a full recovery, although judging by a recent Instagram photo, he will have a massive scar on his throat.
The incident hasn’t appeared to humble Reese at all. After demanding $1 million for a VladTV interview, Vlad quickly shot him down. Now, Reese has made it clear how he feels about Vlad.
“Vlad tv dude is a bitch and he dont kno wtf he talkin about,” he wrote in a recent Instagram post. “thats y i would never let that white pussy interview me pay me you wanna talk to me bitch.”

Reese’s bravado doesn’t stop there. In the wake of the shooting, he dropped a prophetic new single “Come Outside,” which was reportedly recorded before the incident took place.
“That boy scared, don’t come outside,” he spits. “They throw rocks, they go hide. That ain’t how we rock up on my side/It gonna be a homicide.”
Check it out below.