Just when it seems R. Kelly can’t possibly take any more losses, he manages to lose bigger.
In the latest blow to the disgraced singer’s legal situation, his crisis manager Darrell Johnson has resigned.
Johnson made the public announcement Monday (July 22), stating “I step down as crisis manager for personal reasons. Mr. Kelly is in good hands with Mr. Greenberg,” Johnson noted, referring to criminal defense attorney Steve Greenberg, who the singer’s legal team in Chicago.
Earlier the same day, Johnson appeared on CBS This Morning, noting to co-host Gayle King that he wouldn’t be willing to leave his daughter alone with anyone accused of the very same crimes as Kelly.

On Tuesday (July 23), R. Kelly crisis manager Darrell Johnson said he wouldn’t leave his daughter “with an accused pedophile."
Tonight, he told CBS he’s no longer working for Kelly: “I step down as crisis manager for personal reasons. Mr. Kelly is in good hands with Mr. Greenberg!”
“I would not leave my daughter with anyone that’s accused of being a pedophile. I would not,” he stated twice during the interview— the second time slightly more aggressively as King attempted to point out the apparent contradiction of taking on Kelly as a client in the first place.
Despite stepping away, and noting his distaste for pedophilia, he still seemed to suggest that Kelly — who he referred to as a “normal person” — may not be the slam dunk it appears to be.

“I haven’t seen anything that would cause me to be suspicious. He will have his day in court … and they’ll have to bring the evidence,” Johnson said.
Kelly faces numerous federal charges related to sex crimes. He was denied bail during a July 16 court appearance and is currently in jail. He maintained his innocence and pleaded not guilty.
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