Three 6 Mafia’s DJ Paul says that Pimp C came to Los Angeles to record with him just days before his death.
“Pimp C was at my house the day before he died, “DJ Paul says in an interview with DJ Vlad. “He came to LA for me.”
DJ Paul had produced “International Players Anthem (I Choose You)” for Pimp C’s group, UGK, with Juicy J. Pimp C went to California to return the favor.
“When I first moved to LA in ’06, he was locked up at the time,” DJ Paul says. “It was close to him getting out. I produced a single for him, ‘International Players Anthem.’ I know it was their first platinum single and album because I have the plaque at home. Pimp C was trying to return the favor to me. We were recording the last [Three 6 Mafia] album. Pimp C was on the album. We just recorded the song, ‘Ridin’ On Chrome.’ He did the song and he stayed at my house in LA. We was up until the early morning. He took the garbage out for my son. He was like, ‘Oh little man, sit down finish eating your breakfast.’ Pimp C did that for him. We hung out until about 11 o’clock. My guy drive Pimp C in his car to Hollywood and he said, ‘Pimp C left a CD in your car.’ It was a guy named XVII, who he was producing, who was hard as fuck. And I was calling him to tell him that I would bring the CD, but I didn’t get in touch with him.”

Pimp C passed away in his hotel room in 2007. He was 33.
DJ Paul says he got a call from Pimp C’s manager, Rick Martin, who gave him the news.
“He went in there and saw Pimp C body,” DJ Paul says of Pimp C. “He was laying down like he was praying but there was blood around like he was shot. They thought he was shot in the head. But they didn’t know what the hell happened because there was blood everything. They thought he was shot. He was kneeled down like he was preying and the candles were all the way burned down, so they know he probably been dead for a day or something because he always lit these candles to sleep. He lit these big tall candles and they had been burnt down so he probably was dead for a while. We did the song we did ‘Rest In Peace’ and that was the last song he recorded.”