One of the five finalists in HipHopDX & A3C’s “Pick 3” Contest is New Jersey emcee Kosha Dillz. In a year with some high-powered collaborations and a nationally-distributed EP, Dillz led the first round in votes, with plans of making a return appearance to the A3C stages.
Kosha answered a few questions, and provided some background in chances of scoring your vote to get him there.
Kosha Dillz’ Catalog:

Freestyle vs. Written by C-Rayz Walz & Kosha Dillz (2008, digital & retail)
Beverly Dillz (2009, digital & retail)
Gina And The Garage Sale EP (2011, digital & retail)
Spare Chane Tour (2008, street release)

Bonnarhymes (2010, free download)
Yacht vs. Kosha Dillz (2010, free download)
HipHopDX: Tell us a little bit about what 2011 has been about for this point in your career…
Kosha Dillz: 2011 seems to be the year that my hardwork and labor have come to bear fruit. This year I became a video game character [in] NBA 2K11, collaborated with RZA (“Operator”), was a main Hip Hop feature in South By Southwest, and most importantly etched myself as a mainstay in the scene. I began getting major radio play on HOT 97, and also pushed by MTV2 and MTVU for my third music video. Success is subjective, but I can now say that after a lot of touring and rapping, people are finally demanding more of me. I was once selling CDs outside of Fat Beats and now they are distributing my record nationally. Two years ago I snuck into Rock The Bells. This year I was invited on the main stage – see what I’m saying?

DX: What would an A3C showcase appearance do for you, your career?
Kosha Dillz: While I have been at them before when I opened for B.o.B at the 529 in 2009 – I’m at a different stage in my career. At this point, the level of respect from fellow artists has hit a new high and it could be a breakout performance. This year, the opportunity to be a main act to watch could really get people talking, increase the blog-love and hopefully get the attention of some labels, agents and supervisors.
A3C is the last major Hip Hop fest of 2011 and it’s Hip Hop at its core – so I’m definitely planning to make a splash.
DX: What makes your performances and performance style unique?

Kosha Dillz: Every show is different in every city for me. I’ve done 130-150 performances a year since 2008 – and have freestyled at nearly every one. You never what I’m going to say – ’cause I don’t even know what I’m going to say. I’ve become confident and comfortable enough to master crowds and evolve with their reactions – but I take what the crowd gives me and feed back off of it – I switch up the songs, the order, the number of verses. I’m not a cookie cutter traveling show – I’m unique entertainment every night.
I enjoy bringing Hip Hop my multi-language flavor, freestyles, and something different then what they might normally receive from a traditional emcee. I bring what I’m best at – being myself.
DX: To someone new to your music, what can you say or show that is convincing to vote for?
Kosha Dillz: My music is Rap with a twist. I’ve got some Indie steeze, some humor and a lot of my life experience, stories and soul wrapped up in it. If you were to vote for me – you’re voting for someone who uses art as a vehicle to represent themselves and to speak to others.

Beyond my music, you might just respect my grind and showmanship. I greet everyone and am truly grateful for the attendance. I engage the audience (me, just me) because ya’ll will be challenged in accepting me upon sight. I promise. I rap about garage sales, being Jewish, kicking it to girls, drugs, addiction, sweatpants, and even got songs with RZA – and songs in Hebrew and Spanish.
I am not necessarily a rapper’s rapper, but a dope one that everyone can enjoy for originality. If you respect artists that carve their own path – then vote for me!
I appreciate the consideration and look forward to meeting you in Atlanta. Hopefully you’ll buy my CD and say hey, I voted for you. If you didn’t vote for me – I still expect to see you wilding out in the front after you’ve had a sample of some Kosha Dillz.
Vote Below:
Get more information, music, etc. at,, Facebook and (@KoshaDillz) on Twitter.