Lil Wayne must have been caught in the euphoric fanfare of millions of people (including Kendrick Lamar) disapproving of the notion of him hanging up his mic for good that he didn’t carefully choose his words when asked about his massive white fanbase.
While appearing on his longtime pal Skip Bayless’ new show on FOX, Undisputed earlier today (September 13), Weezy openly admitted that racism doesn’t apply to him because he never experienced it.
“I don’t want to be bashed, because I don’t want to seem like I’m on the wrong side,” Wayne said, harboring on the topic of Colin Kaepernick’s heavily publicized “Star-Spangled Banner” protests. “But I thought that was clearly a message that there was no such thing as racism.”
“I don’t want to be bashed, because I don’t want to seem like I’m on the wrong side,” Wayne responded. “But I thought that was clearly a message that there was no such thing as racism.”

Although it was the complete opposite of his intent, a bashing was held at Lil Tunechi’s expense as his response was the furthest thing from being empathic to a systematic oppression that plagues plenty of individuals in a lesser tax bracket.