Former HipHopDX Features Editor Andre Grant said in his “Defense Of The Struggle Rapper” editorial, “Out of all the things the Hip Hop web has vilified, the “struggle rapper” might be the least deserving of all that ridicule.” Before Kendrick Lamar became big enough for Barack Obama to sing his praises or Drake found himself making deals with Apple, they were artists without a significantly large fanbase attempting what seemed like the impossible. Hitting the top of the charts became a distant goal to making past one hundred streams of a song possibly made within the confines of their bedroom walls and gaining likes, re-post or anything else that would reach someone. Providing a weekly outlet for those getting their feet wet in the sometimes brutal sport of Hip Hop, allow us to give readers a look into tomorrow’s possibilities through “Up NeXt.”

Goldsboro, North Carolina – Atlanta Transplant Says Upcoming Dwaynism EP Is About Self Love

Inspiration For Career

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“Since I was a kid, I’ve always loved music, but it wasn’t until I was in like my senior year of High school that I knew I wanted to pursue music. I was always around my oldest brother, learning and soaking up the game from him and other dope artists I met from NC and VA. One time, I remember going over my brother’s homie crib to the studio, which was in a barn in the backyard, and they were playing a dope ass instrumental while I was rapping the hook which sounded pretty good, at the time. But once I stepped to the mic it was like a crazy ass adrenaline rush and I forgot the words and the flow. I killed the vibe in the studio trying to record only like four lines, but I was hooked and became obsessed with music after that. That same year I went to college but I would be in class writing lyrics instead of taking notes, and sometimes I’d just dip out to go record or make beats. Near the end of my junior year, I decided I was going to seriously pursue music full-time. Nowadays, I’m inspired by the process of creating and just continuing to be inspired by the ups and downs of this quest for true mental freedom.”

Do you believe you have a shot at stardom?

“I’m not going to lie and say I don’t think about fame at all because I do. That’s just not something I’m willing to chase after. I like to focus on making dope music and bettering myself and the people around me. If doing that makes me a God worth being idolized, so be it.”

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“I’m finishing up my second EP, which is currently titled Dwaynism. This EP is about self-love and finding God within my own entity, but also accepting my demons. While on this journey of becoming more attuned with myself and my artistry, I’m facing fears, having doubts, struggling with bad habits, falling in and out of love, but constantly learning throughout the process. I am my own religion. I’m planning to release Dwaynism late December, or the beginning of the new year.”

Twitter: @_DwayneA 

Instagram: @_DwayneA