Travis Scott is still feeling the fallout from the Astroworld Festival tragedy — and likely will for a long time. The November 5 incident claimed the lives of 10 people and injured hundreds of others. Consequently, multiple lawsuits have been filed again Scott, Live Nation and other promoters of the event totaling over $2 billion.
Even so, Scott is trying his best to help the victims’ families, offering to cover funeral costs and mental health counseling. But according to TMZ, the families of both 14-year-old John Hilgert and 27-year-old Danish Baig have refused to accept Scott’s money, suggesting the gesture is a “slap in the face.”
Attorney Michael Lyons, who’s representing Baig’s family in a civil lawsuit against Scott and others, explained, “We received a written offer from Travis Scott’s attorney Dan Petrocelli indicating that he would pay $7,500 in funeral burial costs and my clients are rejecting that.
“[Y]ou can infer that when a parent has to bury their child that they’re not really interested in people who may have contributed to that being involved.”

The Mithoff law firm, which is representing Hilgert’s family in a similar lawsuit, also rejected the offer but didn’t provide an explanation.
The family of 9-year-old Ezra Blount, the youngest Astroworld victim, was the first to decline Scott’s money. In a letter obtained by Rolling Stone, Petrocelli told Blount family attorney Bob Hilliard his client would be happy to cover the costs of burying their child.
“Travis is devastated by the tragedy that occurred at the Astroworld Festival and grieves for the families whose loved ones died or were injured,” Petrocelli wrote. “Travis is committed to doing his part to help the families who have suffered and begin the long process of healing in the Houston community. Toward that end, Travis would like to pay for the funeral expenses for Mr. Blount’s son.”
But Hilliard replied, “Your client’s offer is decline. I have no doubt Mr. Scott feels remorse. His journey ahead will be painful. He must face and hopefully see that he bears some of the responsibility for this tragedy.”

The Blount family moved ahead with their own funeral and buried their child in Texas on November 23.