Basketball legend Dominique Wilkins recently accused Atlanta restaurant Le Bilboquet of denying him service simply because of the color of his skin. Even though the restaurant staff claimed they were only “enforcing the dress code,” Wilkins walked away feeling mistreated.
“In my many years in the world, I’ve eaten at some of the greatest restaurants in the world,” he wrote. “but never have I felt prejudice or been turned away because of the color of my skin, until today in #atlanta in @LeBilboquetAtl #turnedawaybecauseimblack.”
Upon seeing this, proud Atlanta native Killer Mike rushed to Wilkins’ defense and called on Le Bilboquet to make it right.
“@lebilboquetatlanta ya’ll better make this lame shit right,” he wrote in an Instagram post. “How ya’ll mistreat “NIQUE” @dominiquewilkins21! Ya’ll lame AF for that shawty! #ThatAintAtlantaALL #RacismIsLame #SuperWeak #ShutemDown.”

Following Dominique Wilkins’ tweet, Le Bilboquet issued a statement on their social media accounts and denied their treatment of Wilkins had anything to do with race.
“We, at Le Bilboquet, do our best to accommodate all of our guests,” the statement read. “However, we have received consistent complaints from our patrons regarding other guest’s wardrobe choices.
“As a result, to protect our restaurant’s culture, we installed a minimum standard in our ‘business casual’ attire dress code which includes jeans and sneakers but prohibits baseball caps and athletic clothing including sweat pants and tops.”