St. Petersburg, Russia rapper Andy Cartwright — real name Alexander Yushko — was found dead in an apartment after his wife Marina Kukha dismembered his body as their two-year-old son watched.
According to the Mirror, Kukhal told investigators she didn’t want his fans to know the 30-year-old died of a drug overdose, or as she described it, an “inglorious death.” So, her remedy? To use a knife, hammer, hacksaw, plastic bowl and chopping board to dismember his body over a period of four days. She stored Cartwright’s body parts in both black plastic bags and her fridge.
Kukha also allegedly “cleaned” his internal organs in a washing machine and “perfectly” sawed off his limbs before sprinkling them with salt.
Although Cartwright’s friends said he’d struggled with alcohol, they denied he was into drugs. But his widow claimed on social media he’d become addicted to hard drugs during the pandemic. Subsequently, forensic tests are underway to determine cause of death. Kukha’s lawyer Irina Skurtu pushed her client to cop to the dismemberment who denied putting his organs in a washing machine.

Russian newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda reported no drugs were discovered on Cartwright’s body, but Kukha insisted she found a syringe next to him.
Kukha was arrested and if toxicology reports don’t corroborate her story, she will likely be charged with murder. If her story does indeed adds up, she could be charged for the “abuse of a dead body.” Russian channel REN TV reports initial analysis shows there were no traces of drugs in his body but the second, more thorough examination will be conducted soon. The police also didn’t find drugs in the couple’s apartment.
Born in 1990 in the Ukrainian city of Nizhyn, Cartwright is well-known in the VERSUS Battle circuit, which garners millions of views.