IAMSU! and close associate Jay Ant – both members of the Bay Area Hip Hop collective The HBK Gang – have denied an anonymous woman’s claims of rape and sexual assault.
The accusations came to light via an anonymous Google Doc, which began circulating online on Thursday (November 9).
“This is something that has been weighing on me for the last 4 years and now I am strong enough to speak on it because I no longer feel ashamed,” the woman writes.
The alleged incident is said to have taken place in a Las Vegas bathroom in 2013.

“They had a huge ass room, a conference room in it, living room, bedroom, and huge bathroom,” the woman writes in the document. “We all went to the bathroom it was wide open two doors, probably about 12 people in the room. JayAnt packed me a bowl in their bong I’m smoking just chillin. I remember I put the bong down and Su approached me. He was already acting like he was entitled to some shit but I paid it no mind. I was hella wasted and the next thing I knew , in front of everyone su had pulled off my tube top, pulled down my pants and pushed me in the shower where he tried to corner me..I was sitting there like whaatt the fuck is this real? Does he not see the people in here? Do they really not see him doing this to someone who is saying NO?”
She continues, “At that moment I was really afraid for my safety , I knew I had to get the fuck out of there.I got out flashed and put my clothes back on. I left the bathroom and Su followed behind me. I remember me saying No and him still proceeding to push and pull on me ripping off my tube top once again, lifting me up onto the bed as I tried to push him off me and he pulled down my pants… I knew I was powerless. At this point I’m trying to fight back with him with all my drunk strength but honestly someone who’s 5’3 has no leverage to a man who’s larger than 6 feet tall that thinks they have a right to use someone’s body just because he’s a rapper. (News flash, no one in that room gave a fuck except maybe the groupies. These people are not super stars, they were accessible at Hilltop Mall for God’s sake. ) I remember trying to push him off of me and I just blacked out. I remember waking up randomly and seeing different things happening to me. At one point I woke up and JayAnt had my lifeless body laid over the bed, violating me in front of a group of men. I felt like a rag doll being pushed against that bed. I’m pretty sure that’s what woke me up, the feeling of my face being pushed back and forth into the bed. I blacked out again in disbelief. I felt dead.”
The anonymous woman claims to have known Jay Ant since the seventh grade. She alleges that her relationship with IAMSU! stems from business dealings the rapper previously had with her cousins.
Later in the document, the woman claims to have called IAMSU! out for what he did when she ran into him two years later.

“This man just laughed and told me ‘DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY GIRLS HAVE SAID I RAPED THEM’ that right there just fucked me up. Who says that besides a rapist.”
IAMSU! later denied the woman’s claims via Instagram, calling her allegations “defamatory, slanderous, and downright evil.”
Jay Ant also denied the woman’s claims in a statement issued to The FADER.
“I don’t quite understand how masculinity can be taken advantage of so easily, false accusations like these seem to happen to men way more than ever in 2017, and when it does, the ‘social media’ audience seems to not really want to give the man an opportunity to defend himself properly,” Ant’s statement reads. “I hope to be able to harness this situation up for young men and women to learn from and spread awareness on how to prevent these type of things from happening to them, also if you believe any of these accusations against me, you don’t know me, and if one does not know me, it’s impossible have an informed opinion about this situation. With that said, I’ve never had any kind of sexual interaction with her. I’ve never had sex with her PERIOD. However, I am praying for her.”

A full copy of the Google Doc can be read below:
This is something that has been weighing on me for the last 4 years and now I am strong enough to speak on it because I no longer feel ashamed. This event took place August 2013 in Las Vegas, NV at events surrounding the 2013 MAGIC convention. For those of you who don’t know, Magic is a convention when people in the fashion industry get together to reveal their up and coming lines and get contracts in stores. Anyways that’s besides the point. I attended this event with my family thinking it was going to be the time of my life, and it was, all the way until I left Marquee with my home girl, Jay Ant, Iamsu and a couple of their male groupies. Now I know what you’re thinking…. Why would you leave a club in Vegas with some rappers? Well I knew JayAnt since I was in about 7th grade at Hercules and as for Iamsu, well he knew my cousins and did business with them in fashion, I figured I was in the safe zone for a sexual attack.
So here we are, having the nights of our lives at Marquee, had poolside bottle service and all… we all decide to slide to the room to smoke and continue the party. I didn’t have any dro in Vegas so I was all about it like yasss let me smoke real fast so I can get to bed pass out and get to day 2 of magic.
We arrive at the room, I think we were at planet hollywood. They had a huge ass room, a conference room in it, living room, bedroom, and huge bathroom. We all went to the bathroom it was wide open two doors, probably about 12 people in the room. JayAnt packed me a bowl in their bong I’m smoking just chillin. I remember I put the bong down and Su approached me. He was already acting like he was entitled to some shit but I paid it no mind. I was hella wasted and the next thing I knew , in front of everyone su had pulled off my tube top, pulled down my pants and pushed me in the shower where he tried to corner me..I was sitting there like whaatt the fuck is this real? Does he not see the people in here? Do they really not see him doing this to someone who is saying NO? At that moment I was really afraid for my safety , I knew I had to get the fuck out of there.I got out flashed and put my clothes back on. I left the bathroom and Su followed behind me. I remember me saying No and him still proceeding to push and pull on me ripping off my tube top once again, lifting me up onto the bed as I tried to push him off me and he pulled down my pants… I knew I was powerless. At this point I’m trying to fight back with him with all my drunk strength but honestly someone who’s 5’3 has no leverage to a man who’s larger than 6 feet tall that thinks they have a right to use someone’s body just because he’s a rapper. (News flash, no one in that room gave a fuck except maybe the groupies. These people are not super stars, they were accessible at Hilltop Mall for God’s sake. ) I remember trying to push him off of me and I just blacked out. I remember waking up randomly and seeing different things happening to me. At one point I woke up and JayAnt had my lifeless body laid over the bed, violating me in front of a group of men. I felt like a rag doll being pushed against that bed. I’m pretty sure that’s what woke me up, the feeling of my face being pushed back and forth into the bed. I blacked out again in disbelief. I felt dead. I couldn’t believe I woke up to someone who I felt I knew for years sexually abusing me and it hurt even more because there were just people there, watching them take something from someone who wasn’t even conscious . I woke up again and this time I woke up to Iamsu on top of me like this fool was actually enjoying fucking someone who was essentially ASLEEP, dead, blacked out, UNABLE TO AND DID NOT CONSENT.. I remember opening my eyes for a quick second him eating my pussy just thinking, WOW THIS IS WHAT RAPISTS DO THEY FUCKING ATTACK YOU AND WAIT TILL YOU’RE BLACKED OUT TO DO SHIT TO YOU THAT THEY COULD EASILY DO TO THEIR GIRLFRIEND. Shit was fucking crazy and I didnt wanna believe it was real. I remember kind of coming out of my drunk and seeing a dark skinned boy come pull on my lifeless body “aye you gotta go” and I heard someone “nawww we know her it’s good let her sleep” that shit hurt man WE KNOW HER WE KNOW HER YET WE DID THIS TO HER. I finally woke up in the morning about 8 am. When I came out of that room my homegirl (name with held ) came to me and was like “Are you okay? I over heard Jay and Su freaking out saying that they felt they raped you” I was still perkin and was just ready to fucking go so we cut and went back to my family’s room. That whole night kept playing through my head…. I felt I was safe when I left with them I thought that Jay would protect me, why did nobody stop them when they heard me saying NO or saw that I was passed out while they were assaulting me. I was too ashamed to tell my family and honestly felt disgusting, how could I be such a poor judge of character? How did someone I knew for so long not only be a bystander but a participant.

This shit fucked me up, instead of staying for the 3 more days I had planned I got to my room and switched my flight, 5 hours later I was out of Vegas and on my way back to San Jose. That was the loneliest flight of my life.I ran home 3 days early and legit no one in my family knew. I told my dad I had to fly back to work on a project before my last semester of college commenced. I sat there stone faced, emotionally closed down, it was as if I was a zombie… just moving through the flight process from memory verse actually being present. I felt like everyone was looking at me, like everyone knew I was running from some fucked up shit. Once I got in my rides car from the airport I quickly knew that life changed from that shit. I could no longer just listen to the radio. IAMSU songs would come on and people loved the shit and I had to sit there silently, holding back tears in cars and clubs because I could not escape the voice or fame of the man that raped me days before…..
Fast forward 2 years later, I’m at Wingstop in Pinole and who walks in? Iamsu. My heart dropped and I nearly threw up , there he was the man who took something from me. So I quickly approached him “aye I need to talk to you”. So I exchanged numbers with him and called him shortly after. I explained to him that he had me fucked up with the shit that happened in Vegas. I let him know that I kept telling him no and that when I went with them I had no intention of fucking with him because I’ve never been a groupie, especially about some Pinole Valley ass rapper. I told him “you kept taking my clothes off and trying to push me in the shower, you did push me in the shower and I had to push past you to get out and get dressed again.
This man just laughed and told me “DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY GIRLS HAVE SAID I RAPED THEM” that right there just fucked me up. Who says that besides a rapist. I had to ask him I said WOW forreal? I said wow even Kobe Bryant only had one accuser and you wanna tell me MORE THAN JUST MYSELF HAS TOLD YOU THIS but you still believe what you did was cool. So at this point I’m at a loss for words, I’m disgusted, I’m hurting because he not only brushed off what I told him , He told me there were more girls like me that had told him that.
Fast forward another 2 years, I finally tell one of his “friends” about what happened because I couldn’t bare being somewhere that IAMSU would just show up. That was just too much for me to deal with, having to be around a bunch of people who were probably there when he raped me. I told his friend exactly what I just broke down to you all and you know what he said.
“ I believe you, I believe you, I have seen Su being a little too aggressive with approaching females when it doesn’t even have to be that way in his position.” This friend of his had no doubt in his mind that I experienced that bullshit. And honestly, no one will ever be able to change my mind about what happened. You can’t just hold onto something that never took place and you can’t just forget something that DID.

I am exposing these people because I am sure there are other women who have been harmed by one or both of these men. I hope that this inspires others to own their truth and to not be ashamed of what happened to them at the hands of sickos at the hands of men who feel entitled to take what they want because they feel they have social status. Though it hurts to talk about and writing this made me cry halfway through I feel empowered. #metoo because we’re all in this together.