Nicki Minaj gave back to her fans in a big way on Saturday night (May 6), by agreeing to pay the tuition, bills and loan debts of several of her fans.
Nicki had originally planned to fly out fans from all over the world as part of her #RegretInYourTearsChallenge contest, but one clever fan asked the Queens rapper to help pay for his education instead.
In what can only be described as a pretty unexpected turn of events, Nicki got on board with the plan pretty much right away, on the condition that the fan could show her straight A’s.
It all kicked off after that with dozens of fans emailing Ms. Minaj for help with paying for various aspects of their education, and Nicki seemed more than happy to do so, replying personally to many of those who contacted her to pay for things like cameras for an audiovisual studies student, straight up university fees, and loan debt.

If you missed out on getting help from the Unofficial Nicki Minaj Scholarship Fund, don’t worry, Nicki’s final tweet on the matter clarified that she would “do some more in a month or 2.”