Talib Kweli, Questlove and KXNG CROOKED are among the rappers who have reacted to the grand jury’s decision today (December 28) not to indict the Cleveland police officer who, in November 2014, shot and killed Tamir Rice, a 12-year-old Black boy.
Talib Kweli retweeted a post today that said: “State sponsored, state protected racism and lynching of a young black boy #TamirRice.”
“No. For Just…us No Indictment For Cops Who Fatally Shot 12-Year-Old Tamir Rice,” Questlove tweeted along with a link to HuffPost BlackVoices’ article on the matter.

Police said they believed Rice was in his twenties and that the safety tip on his toy gun was missing, according to the testimony the grand jury reportedly heard, the HuffPost BlackVoices article says.
The tweets from Talib Kweli, Questlove, KXNG CROOKED and Jay IDK reacting to the grand jury’s decision today not to indict the Cleveland police officer who, in November 2014, shot and killed Tamir Rice, a 12-year-old Black boy, are as follows: