Teejay Stainer, a 10-year-old fan of Eminem was treated to an unexpected surprise when he received an autographed copy of the Detroit rapper’s Recovery album, in the mail.
According to the Daily Echo, Stainer, who is an amputee, received the special package from Eminem after a picture of him with his “Eminem legs” went viral. In the photo, he’s seen holding a sign, which reads, “These are my Eminem legs I’ve had made. My wish is for Eminem to see them.”
Shortly after Stainer’s parents posted his photo, it went on to receive 20,000 shares on Facebook.
The picture eventually made its way to Eminem who sent Stainer a signed copy of Recovery, which read, “To Teejay, I saw your pic and read your message! Thanks for the support!”

Stainer, who has been a fan of Eminem since he was two, expressed his shock at receiving a signed CD from the artist he considers a hero.
“I was amazed when I saw the CD,” Stainer said, while speaking with the Daily Echo. “I just wanted to thank him for getting me through the difficult times and show him how dedicated I am. I think he sent me that album in particular because of the recovery that I’ve made.”
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