During a recent sit down with Vlad TV, Wu Tang’s Inspectah Deck spoke about a short-lived feud between the Wu-Tang Clan and Odd Future’s former frontman Tyler, the Creator.
The Shaolin emcee recalls Tyler having an issue with Odd Future being compared to Wu-Tang.
“The boy Tyler, the Creator was on some, ‘We ain’t them, don’t compare us to them,'” Inspectah says in the clip. “It should’ve been taken as a compliment.”
Several Wu members including Inspectah Deck, didn’t take Tyler’s response too kindly. So when they crossed paths in Europe, the Wu approached Tyler and sat down with him in his Winnebago. They asked about the situation and pondered, “How do you not take that as a compliment?”

Tyler told them that the media had over-exaggerated and that he “wasn’t trying to make it seem like that.”
“We squashed it,” Inspectah Deck says. “I told him, ‘I like ya’ll.'”
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