Last week in NYC, Drake attended the Sotheby’s hosted art show, “I Like It Like This,” where he provided the playlist to 21 pieces of art by renowned black artists.
Songs like A$AP Rocky’s “Multiply”, Kendrick Lamar’s “Fuck Your Ethnicity” and ILoveMakonnen’s “Rumors” are paired with paintings, sculptures, and abstract artwork throughout the S:2 gallery.
Drake only included one of his tracks, “Wu-Tang Forever”, which he chose to combine with Glenn Ligon’s Figure #29.
When asked about the music video to the remix for the song, Drake brushed it off, saying, “That’s kind of behind us.”

“That was two projects ago,” he said. “There was a remix that 40 [Noah Shebib] was working on. He has a really personal relationship with a lot of those guys from Wu-Tang, and me and Rocky were working on a video at one point in Harlem, and it was cool, but with schedules and all that, different things came into play and we never really got to finish, which is not something I recommend. You should always try and finish your music video.”
Nearly a year-ago, Drake dissed Jay Z for acquiring a taste for art.
“It’s like Hov can’t drop bars these days without at least four art references!” he told Rolling Stone (off record) at the time. “I would love to collect at some point, but I think the whole rap/art world thing is getting kind of corny.”
Drake’s curated Sotheby’s collection will be on view through June 12 at the Sotheby’s NYC headquarters. Listen to his art-inspired playlist here.

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