Master P will reportedly pay for the funeral expenses of a 12-year old boy killed by a homeless man in Cherokee Park in Louisville, Kentucky according
WLKY reports that 21-year old Joseph Cambron was arrested on Thursday (October 2) for the murder of Ray Etheridge as well as for tampering with physical evidence. Ray Etheridge, a seventh-grade student, was reportedly homeless alongside his mother and stepfather, spending significant amounts of time in Louisville’s Mid City Mall. Cambron and Etheridge apparently knew each other ahead of a physical altercation on Tuesday afternoon (September 30) in which Cambron pulled a knife and stabbed the pre-teen to death.
Police report that Cambron and Etheridge had spent time together in Cherokee Park in previous weeks and confirmed that Etheridge was seen with Cambron in surveillance video directly before his death.
“We were able to put some information together, they did know each other from that area for a few weeks,” Lt. Todd Kessinger of the Louisville Metro Police Department’s Homicide Unit said.

Master P will reportedly cover the funeral expenses while the Etheridge family is currently raising money for a headstone.
Master P has more than once cited Louisville as a second home and announced plans last year to film parts of a documentary about “the effects of chronic incarceration, poverty, and violence on the African American community” in Kentucky’s biggest city. Last year, reported that “African Americans make up 20 percent of Louisville’s nearly 700,00 residents, but 56 percent of the prison populations.” Holding a news conference about the documentary in June of 2013, Master P spoke about his own personal experience with violence and prison. “I have a brother dead,” he said. “I have a brother incarcerated, so I know on a firsthand basis what is going on. We’re killing each other basically, that’s why I decided to change my life.”
A preview of the Cradle To The Streets documentary is available below.