Founding Wu-Tang Clan emcee GZA (p/k/a) The Genius has recently lectured at the prestigious Oxford University and Harvard University. The 21-year veteran of releasing albums has announced that he will continue his academic public speaking at Cornell University, New York University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
A spokesperson for GZA revealed, “GZA will return to M.I.T. March 21st to lecture there in partnership with the Civic Media Lab. While there he will meet with more physicists. He will additionally be lecturing at U.S.C., N.Y.U. and Cornell this spring. While at Cornell he is planning on meeting with scientists who recently created ‘wrinkle in time’ of sorts, which was once only the stuff of fantasy.”
GZA provided HipHopDX with the following statement, “I will take a quantum leap and discuss the universe while taking us on a journey through deep space. Traveling at light-speed from the galactic center of one galaxy to the farthest corners of another. I hope my listeners will enjoy this cosmic adventure within a world of colossal planets, gas giants, meteorites, comets, and asteroids in the most extreme conditions.”

GZA’s forthcoming solo album, Dark Matter, is planned for 2012 release on Babygrande Records.