Beyoncé may be one of the most worshipped humans on the planet, but it wasn’t always that way growing up.

In an interview with Vogue, the singer’s mother Tina Knowles reflected on her superstar daughter’s brush with bullies as a child and became emotional when she recalled a time Bey stood up for a classmate.



“Beyoncé, she was very shy and she got bullied a bit,” she said. “But the day that she stood up for someone — she didn’t stand up for herself but she stood up for them — I’m getting emotional talking about it. I couldn’t have been more proud of her.”

Knowles also shared a fond memory of her other famous daughter Solange: “Solange was her signing a petition in school, she was only in like fifth grade and she was out getting petitions signed so she’s always been an activist.”

The 70-year-old went on to discuss fellow Destiny’s Child star Kelly Rowland, who lived with the Knowles family from the age of 11.

“Kelly was always a kid that tried to protect everybody,” she said. “I have a memory of her with her best friend Barbara and her being a mediator and just being this little peacemaker.”



Tina Knowles also offered some parenting tips while posting the interview clip on Instagram, writing: “Each child is different! But all so special. I believe kids are born with their personalities. My three girls all handled things very differently.

“Learn their personalities and respect the individuality. Never compare the negatives , always praise the positive differences and pay attention to the things that you can brag on about them. They love it and it encourages positive behavior.”

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Late last year, Knowles shed light on Beyoncé’s work ethic during the making of her Renaissance documentary.

She praised the perfect Rotten Tomatoes score the film received and revealed how hard her daughter worked on the project.



“Last one about the Rotten Tomatoes! Just saw this !! When you see how hard someone works and all the sacrifices they make because for the last month my child was in a studio almost 24 hours a day I was with her most of that time sleeping in the studio,” she wrote on social media. “She only went to take her kids to school to shower and come back.”

She added: “There are only a few people that understand how hard she works ! how she works on every single thing that goes out in a movie or a video or a tour . #that is why I ride so hard for her !!! She deserves every alccolade that she gets.”