Amber Rose has continued with her support of convicted felon and former President Donald Trump, defiant that the “injustice” that is his conviction will put him back in the White House.

The firebrand media personality responded to some questions from TMZ on Friday (June 7), and reiterated her stance regarding the controversial Presidential candidate.



When asked if his recent conviction impacted her decision making, she said: “Still voting for Donald Trump. I think it helps him more. I think people see the injustice in what happened and they want to vote for him more than ever.

“We just did our research and we’re not brainwashed anymore by the left. I can say that about myself. All these years I’ve been brainwashed, and I’m not any more.”



Rose was asked if Donald Trump would approve of her SlutWalk for women’s equality. She said: “I haven’t did the SlutWalk since 2018. I think I could do something better for women than a SlutWalk, although I was very passionate about the SlutWalk.

“I’ve donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to helping women get counseling for domestic violence, sexual assault and rape, and I’m still that person. I just don’t think I need to SlutWalk for that.”

Late last month, Amber Rose doubled down on her support of Donald Trump, claiming that Americans are being trained by the media to hate the controversial ex-president for no logical reason.

In a now-deleted Instagram post made on May 25, Kanye West’s ex-girlfriend posted a video of the presumptive GOP nominee claiming that he “doesn’t mind” gay marriage, using that as proof that Americans had the wrong idea about Trump.



“I’ll just leave this here watch till the end…” she wrote in the caption. “For all the LGBTQ+ people that think after decades of allyship I would ever hate you! [scared face emoji] Stop believing the propaganda. They are brainwashing you. Start having bigger conversations instead of staying on one side of the fence.”

She continued: “Ur blind over there. I literally grew up in the Philly/NYC ballroom scene. Most of my favorite people in the world are gay and trans. People that truly know me know that! Please do your research and stop just making decisions based off what other people think. Be a free thinker -Muva.”

Amber Rose Thinks Kanye West Should Pay Her $20M For 'My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy'
Amber Rose Thinks Kanye West Should Pay Her $20M For 'My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy'

On May 20, the model shared a photograph with Trump and his third wife, Melania. In the caption, she wrote “Trump 2024” with three American flag emojis, making it clear who she’ll be voting for in the upcoming election.

A number of her followers began flooding the Instagram post’s comments section with criticisms of the co-sign.



“Imagine being an ‘advocate’ for women’s rights and endorsing Trump and his party who reversed Roe V Wade. Wild,” one person wrote, while another added: “You’re a Bisexual woman of color that runs a movement that stands up for Women’s rights and their power against anyone that abuses it….that’s literally OPPOSITE of what he supports.”