Amber Rose is the latest celebrity to endorse Donald Trump as he and Joe Biden prepare to compete for a second term in the White House later this year.

On Monday (May 20), the model shared a photograph with the businessman-turned-politican and his wife Melania. In the caption, she wrote “Trump 2024” with three American flag emojis, making it clear who she’ll be voting for in the upcoming election.



A number of her followers began flooding the Instagram post’s comments section with criticisms of the co-sign.

“Imagine being an ‘advocate’ for women’s rights and endorsing Trump and his party who reversed Roe V Wade. Wild,” one person wrote, while another added: “You’re a Bisexual woman of color that runs a movement that stands up for Women’s rights and their power against anyone that abuses it….that’s literally OPPOSITE of what he supports.”



As the denunciation continued, Rose elaborated on her stance and wrote: “Lmaooo yall think Biden cares about black ppl??? Sad. Do ur research. I did. I’ll ALWAYS put women first. Y’all want biological men in women’s sports [rolled-eyes emoji] Trump supports the most reasonable compromise on abortion. Stop being brainwashed cuz WE’RE ppl of color. Make your own decisions.”

Regarding the medical procedure mentioned above, Trump has previously stated that it should be governed at a state level, and said in a recent interview that he had no problem with states surveilling pregnant women or prosecuting women who have abortions.



Contrarily, John Legend elaborated on his disdain for the former president last month.

In late April, the singer and pianist joined MSNBC to discuss the current state of criminal justice with an emphasis on pre-trial reform. During the chat, host Jen Psaki asked him about Trump signing the First Step Act in 2018 “to reduce the size of the federal prison population while also creating mechanisms to maintain public safety.”



This, however, wasn’t enough to change the Grammy winner’s perspective.

“He’s not been an ally,” the Get Lifted hitmaker said right off the bat. “I think the First Step Act was fine — it was a very small reform, and to be honest, most of the reform we need is on the local and state level because most incarceration is local and state, and most of the laws that end up being criminally enforced are local and state laws, so very little impact can happen on the federal level.

Donald Trump Reportedly Looking To Athletes & Hip Hop Artists To Help Recruit Black Voters
Donald Trump Reportedly Looking To Athletes & Hip Hop Artists To Help Recruit Black Voters

“At the same time he’s claiming credit for those small things, he’s also saying, ‘Y’know, if people are stealing something, they should get shot in the middle of the store.’ When we protested the killing of George Floyd, he was advocating for the military to shoot us in the streets.”

He added: “He’s made it clear throughout his life that he believes Black people are inferior; he believes that to his core, in his bones. He won’t let us live in his buildings back in the day, but also when you hear some of the stray comments he makes, he clearly believes in a genetic hierarchy of humanity and is racially determined.



“He is a tried-and-true, dyed-in-the-wool racist, like in the core of his being, he is a racist.”