Equally as famous as the artists they create tracks for some producers still like to lay in the cut and live a normal life. Their whole existence is housed within the four walls of their recording studio and as hard as it may be for the attention seekers out there to comprehend for producers like Nottz, that is just how they like it.

Hailed as “your favorite producer’s favorite producerNottz has earned his stripes by crafting tracks for a diverse list of clientele. Void of nepotism his ability and originality are factors that allow this Virginia native to continue to thrive. As much as he enjoys working with the mainstream acts, he is quite happy to push product to an unknown dude from the hood. His musical backdrops know no boundaries and as he explains in this interview, it is this attribute that allows him to be the go to guy for the majors as well as the lords and ladies of the underground.

With the procurement of something abnormal being the aim of any entertainer who makes the acquaintance of Nottz, the likelihood of him ever changing his style is as far fetched as swine taking to the skies. He is what he does and stands by every sound he makes, how many can say that and truly mean it in the industry today? Called out by Masta Ace, hitting a home run with “Barry Bonds” and taking Tina Turner to a whole other level, Nottz gives Producer’s Corner a 40-minute interview which allows fans and those intrigued by this man’s basslines and samples a look into what makes him tick.

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HipHopDX: You are working on your own album right now, how close to completion is that? How important is time management when working on something of your own?
Well I am just waiting on a couple of tracks, so maybe another week or two. Time management hasn