Hip-hop means different things to different people. Hip-hop music does different things to different people. It may make you want to nod your head, dance, start a revolution, start a fight, or just chill the fuck out. Villain Accelerate’s “Maid of Gold” certainly falls under the later category. Comprised of Montreal’s Sixtoo (Sage Francis, Anticon) and Stigg of the Dump, Villain Accelerate isn’t much more than dark, moody instrumental hip-hop. Not the kind you would put in your headphones or in your car, the kind that you put on to zone out or read a book.

Some instrumental hip-hop requires your utmost attention when you listen, like say Rjd2. Some doesn’t, like say Villain Accelerate. “Maid of Gold” is pretty straight forward, plenty of hard-hitting, rigid drums surrounded by various dark and moody samples. Most of the tracks don’t vary much as they play and the murky atmosphere remains consistent. Which is why this albums plays the best when your concentration is focused on something else and Villain Accelerate just seeps into your ears. I don’t mean this in a bad way. Tracks such as “Maid of Gold,” “When I Was Your Age,” and “Post Cards” are just beautifully haunting. “Table of Context,” “Herd Whispers” and “Things Told” are definitely a few of the better selections as well.

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There are times when this album becomes mundane and the rigid beats just lull you to sleep. Back to back offerings “Duppies” and “Cracktivity” are just too sparse and empty. The bare bones tracks can work, provided that they can deliver some sort of atmosphere. “Rookie Card” suffers from the same affliction. “Revisit,” “Worried.look,” and “Laurels Canyon” are right along the lines of what works on this album.

With that said, “Maid of Gold” is good album. It’s tremendously glum ambiance is a nice alternative and it has gotten plenty of spins from me when I am trying to study. I think by this point you should know if this is the kind of album you can vibe with. Some will dig it, some won’t.
