Pastor Troy brings the streets a new album
titled Stay Tru. Kind of crazy as he titles it the way he’s been
delivering bars for years, as it seems he doesn’t give a fuck about commercial
success period. Stay Tru starts off with the title track, Pastor
spits on this track that he will remain real as it gets forever, ya get it? Stay
Tru. The hook on the track is kind of basic though over some horror movie
beat. Anyway, Pastor continues to give his reality to the
streets as the line follows: “It is what it is it do what it do and fuck
show biz, cuz I’m a stay true.”
Now you got to give Pastor his props as he was skillful in “Lyin’ Bout Her Crib.”
The title of the track speaks for itself, a bitch lying about her crib, as Pastor
goes “This bitch is lyin bout her crib, she say she live alone, bathroom,
mirror full of cologne.” But the crazy shit about this shit is when Pastor
is sleeping around with the chick, her man comes home, so Pastor
gets upset and then robs both of the motherfucka’s at gunpoint – now that’s
what I call grimy.
Pastor does fall short on “Heard the Party,” which is just simply
weak for a party anthem, especially when he’s from the south. The crunk level
on this track is just too damn low. “Polos and Lacoste” is just corny – a fucking
song about rocking Polos and Lacoste. Come on, Pastor, you
could’ve done better. “Get down or Lay Down”is average, but once again the hook is too fucking basic.
“If you wanna get crunk like a motherfucka, “Well Un Huh” is a banger for you with
this high pitched, move-the-crowd ass chorus. This shit we’ll have you throwin’
those elbows in the club Saturday night. “Attitude Adjuster,” where Pastor
explains the heat he’s packin’ will fix ya fuckin attitude if you got a

This 14 track album has no guest features, no super producers and nothing to
give it that extra shine. Out of 12 tracks when you exclude the 2 pointless
skits, brings Stay Tru to the fraction of 5/12 tracks that you can
replay. Some of the other tracks I didn’t mention just won’t cause you to hit
the repeat button. So to close up Stay Tru I’ll leave it to this – tracks
that’s heat (2,4,6,8,12) and tracks that’s weak (9,11,14) and the rest I’ll let
you decide.