“What would you do if I sang out of tune?”
That question brings home many memories of yesteryear, a past that springs forward as soon as Super Chron’s latest album, Cape Verde, gets the play button. Starting with Joe Cocker’s The Wonder Years’ theme song is only the start of the show, one that uses samples from television and music often in order to enhance the listening experience. The sample-heavy disc gains strength through this and it holds steady throughout, though the show may not appeal to all.
The Super Chron Flight Brothers are not the most known emcees, but they have a nice following and their supporters will not be disappointed with this disc. For the uninitiated, the group consists of two emcees, Priviledge and Billy Woods, who come from a Fondle ‘Em Records (think MF DOOM and Juggaknots) ilk. On Cape Verde, the duo tackle subjects with wit, showcasing rhymes that beg the listener to decipher them with care. Some listeners probably won’t do so. Detractors will complain about the subject matter being all over the place, or the flows being too off beat and hard to follow. Those are valid gripes that will keep new heads away but they won’t deter longtime fans. Tracks like “No Spin Zone” and “Rap City” will keep those loyal fans pleased.

Producers BOND and Willie Green deserve a lot of credit for the way they handled the boards here. At times, they complement Super Chron well (“Reggie Miller”) while other times, the beats simply overshadow the rhymes. Upon a few listens, their use of samples and clips truly stand out, certainly more than the rappers’ flows. From using Latarian Milton clips to informercial soundbites, the producers add a lot to the album’s overall enjoyment, particularly if the emcees’ rhyme styles aren’t your cup of tea. In many ways, this album is carried by its producers.
Much like with artists they have been compared to, The Flight Brothers are not going to cater to everyone. That may be some of what makes their gritty sound so appealing to their loyal fans. From a new listener’s perspective, it’s easy to understand why some folks would turn away. Perhaps, they would answer this article’s opening by standing up and walking out. Can’t blame them.