The Wu affiliated
Killarmy, who stepped into the game
as a gimmicky copy of the Wu Tang Clan,
have gone on and built themselves into a crew who have their own following. The
military thinking of the group has proved to be their convenience as they are
now three albums deep and onto their fourth, Fear,
Love and War. With 22 tracks, and the bulk produced Rza-apprentice 4th Disciple, the album hits hard with Wu Tang Clan fans.
The first single, Feel I‘, is a
nice piano looped track with each member rhyming about their struggles in the
hood with a mystery sample haunting the background. Additional tracks include Militant featuring U-God on the hook with a haunting cry
in the background, which is reminiscent of Wu
Tang Clan Forever. Sweatshop bangs
with a beat break down, which has flavours of Ghostface‘s Supreme Clientele
in there.
Other stand out tracks include Originators with
pleasant piano and trumpet surprises and Day One which is
arguably the hottest jam on the album with n orchestral feel and the army men
starting out on how their on t.v. on BET
in the day room but have to take out haters.
The lyrics are not as thought provoking as the Clan‘s and there are no stand out members who bang harder than the
others, but Shogun, Islord,Killa Sin, Dom Pachino, Beretta 9 and 9th Prince seem to vibe off each other and keep the album moving
like the Little Engine that couldn’t. And although there are a few tracks that
don’t quite hit the mark, they become outweighed by the tracks that do.

And with a few skits filled with war movie interludes and conversation, the
album does well. It may not reach the people outside of dedicated Killarmy fans but it will please the
real fans throughout .
One skit on the album explains everything within a few words:
“‘What is your style, what is your clan?’
‘A soldier uses military style.'”