In an attempt to both clear the air and offer a positive example for the next generation of kids who may be headed down a wrong path, former Ruff Ryder Jin and rapper China Mac recently sat down for a fascinating hour-long reconciliation — 15 years after his violent shooting left one of Jin’s associates partially paralyzed.
The two, among other things, explore Mac’s state of mind leading up to the violent encounter, which took place on November 9, 2003, at Yello Bar in lower Manhattan, and the many ways in which it affected the life of Jin, the victim Christopher Louie, and those closest to them.
“I want to take the time to apologize … I never really even thought I would ever do that,” China Mac states in the opening of the hour-long clip — also extending his apology to Louie and their families.

“Sitting here with you in front of me, I feel compelled to [apologize] because at the end of the day, we become men not by what we do, but how we respond to certain things, how we realize our own mistakes, and how we take the initiative to make things right,” he continued.
Jin, accepting the emotional apology added that he understood the grandeur of the sit-down, noting, “[This is] this bigger than you … it’s bigger than me. Whoever’s watching this out there, can see that there can be healing; [it happens] at different times for everyone.”
Elsewhere in the conversation, Jin explained his naivety at that particular point in his life, adding that his experience was (in hindsight) an example that the company you keep and the situations you put yourself in could ultimately have life-changing consequences in the blink of an eye. He also revealed how the shooting created a sense of heightened anxiety in both his family and his team.
“It’s a very family environment over there [at Ruff Ryders]. It was definitely like, ‘Yo Jin, those days of us letting you just be out and about, that’s done.’ I didn’t really like fight it or resist against it because I know number one, they genuinely wanted to see me safe,” Jin explained.

“I think that this is a big statement,” Mac stated as the conversation drew to a close. “For everybody … for all the people out there that may have went through what we went through, or will go through it in the future.”
Watch the full conversation above.
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