Evidence [click to read] has been calmly bubbling in Los Angeles. His west coast buzz has generated attention with his participation in the Dilated Peoples‘ discography, but he’s also garnered love for his solo material. After releasing The Weatherman LP [click to read]. Now, he’s prepping the release of Cats and Dogs, his latest solo effort. This week, he spoke exlusively with HipHopDX about the new album, his group, The Step Brothers with Alchemist and a label deal that may shock his fans.
When asked if Cats and Dogs would be a follow up, conceptually, to the Weatherman LP, Ev replied that folks shouldn’t expect that.
“I don’t like sequels,” he added. “I like Jaws. I don’t like Jaws 2. For the most part, I’m just making something new. I can’t do the same record twice. When I made Weatherman, it was based around a lot of dark imagery, the passing of my mom, certain things that I just really had to talk about. Since then, I’ve experienced a whole lot, though. I really feel like I have something to offer with this album.“
The production may just be similar to his latest releases.

“[Alchemist‘s] done the majority of it, so far. Working with DJ Khalil, Exile, myself, Babu and Sid Roams.“
Also, don’t expect too many emcees flooding the album. So far, no guests have been added.
“I don’t have guests, but in a perfect world, I’d love to have Mos Def and [The] Game on this album.“
So, what about the label? He didn’t want to elaborate on the deal too much, saying he’d rather not speak on it until it’s done. However, he did manage to give us a hint on what record label it may be.

“I’m finishing a deal right now. When you find out who I’m doing it with, it’s gonna raise eyebrows. Trust me.“
The hint?
“The label is not based out of California or New York.“
Fans will have to wait. The album isn’t set to hit stores until next year.

“Cats and Dogs is coming out in the first quarter of 2010. Step Brothers will be constantly pushed. It’s gonna be out when it’s right. In the meantime, there’ll be a lot of things to keep you entertained. Trust me.“