Miami Heat guard Dwayne Wade gave one Florida family a big gift over the holiday season—a new home.
Wade was motivated after hearing the story of Dawn Smith. The woman lost all of her possessions after her nephew accidentally set fire to the home, burning it to the ground.
On Christmas Eve, Wade came to the rescue, presenting Smith with the keys to a brand new home.
In addition to the building, Wade, courtesy of his Wade’s World Foundation also provided furniture, clothing and gifts for the Smith family. According to an EUR Web report, the foundation will also make several payments on the home to further help the family recover.

“It’s not about what you’re going to receive — it’s what you can give to others from what you’ve received,”Wade said of the act.
“We can help this family have a new beginning.”
Wade also donated $30,000 to three children’s organizations and hosted 100 children at Tuesday’s Miami Heat game.