Given the apparent success of black-powered films such as Straight Outta Compton, Get Out and Black Panther, pundits like Charlamagne Tha God are out to ensure the aforementioned blockbusters don’t go down as flashes in the pan.
In his new Hollywood Reporter-helmed series Emerging Hollywood, the tenured radio host breaks the ice with Trevor Noah as they discuss how far black representation can go underneath the mainstream’s umbrella.
“You have to break it down into what’s happening behind the camera?” Noah explained while pinpointing there are gatekeepers in the business who control the narrative. “What’s happening in front of the camera? What’s happening in the board rooms that control the world of cameras? Those are all the pieces that define the world that we live in.”

Elsewhere, The Daily Show host made the acute observation that Americans are selective in which citizens they deem to be problematic.
“Americans use the term immigrant so broadly,” the South African native says. “When people say immigrant in America, a lot of the times what they’re talking about is a person who comes here from Mexico. People don’t think of [Australia’s] Chris Hemsworth as an immigrant.”
Check out the full interview throughout the article and follow Charlamagne Tha God on Instagram @cthagod for more updates on the fresh, new series.

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