Another installment of The Kamikaze Interview has arrived. Once again, Sway Calloway and Eminem dive into a myriad of subjects, including Em’s BET Cypher, his hatred of Donald Trump and Tyler The Creator.
The Kamikaze song “Fall” caused a mild controversy due to a homophobic slur aimed at the Odd Future mastermind. Toward the end of the clip, Em explains what made him throw a jab at Tyler and his Odd Future compadre Earl Sweatshirt.
Simply put, he was angry.
“I really did like them [Odd Future],” he says. “I thought their movement was really cool, too. We didn’t make music but I just felt like there was a mutual respect. A lot of the shit that ended up happening after that like the tweet he put out talking about Shady 15 … like, “OK man, you don’t have to like it and it could really suck.

“But being that someone really was cool to you, you would expect some kind of reciprocation and just don’t go public with it and publicly express your opinion about how much my shit is trash. So, I chalked it up to them being young and just kids. I’ve been there. I was a dick when I first came out.”
Em then admits he was surprised two people he was on tour with would do him like that.
“I could come across as being very petty but at a certain point in time, someone has their breaking point,” he explains. “So, when Tyler tweet that thing about ‘Walk On Water, like ‘Ah, this fuckin’ song is horrible,’ I was like, ‘Alright, I need to say something now because this is fuckin’ stupid.

“But at the same time, I’m not going to be America’s punching bag and muthafuckas just wanna think it’s cool and safe to say whatever they want about me.”
After the album was released on August 31, he had a case of “hindsight is 20/20.”
“I was angry when I said that shit about Tyler,” he says. “The fact of like every time I saw this kid, he was always cool to you. I loved his energy. He was a funny dude and he’s super charismatic and shit. But I’m sitting back like, ‘Man at what point do I have to say something to defend myself?
“The word I called him on that song was one of things that I felt like, ‘This might be too far.’ In my quest to hurt him, I realize I was hurting a lot of other people by saying it. At the time, I was so mad it was like whatever. It was one of the things that I kept going back to and saying, ‘I don’t feel right with this.'”
Elsewhere in the interview, Em briefly touches on Donald Trump. By now, it’s no secret Shady has a healthy amount of disdain for 45. On Kamikaze’s opening track “The Ringer,” he spits a line about the Secret Service confronting him over some of his lyrics.

He tells Sway it was based on a true story.
“They came to my studio,” he admits. “They was just basically asking me questions about my lyrics to see what the intent was behind them, and if I was making an actual threat or just expressing myself.”
When asked why he felt to drop the politically charged BET Cypher last year, he pinpoints the moment he was prompted to take fire.
“I’m trying to say this also to my fanbase who might have voted for him,” he explains. “A lot of people in my fanbase probably did. At the time I did the cypher, I realized after it was all said and done, maybe I should have just attacked him. This is backfiring on me. I don’t care. I don’t give a fuck if that’s what happened and hurt my sales. I don’t care about that. I care about the message I’m trying to convey.

“I was just watching it every single day. I watch a lot of news. The thing that pissed me off the most and when I started going crazy with the pen was the Kaepernick thing and when that shit happened and how he kept changing the narrative. You fuckin’ … ugh. I don’t want to get into the whole Trump thing anymore.
In Part IV, Em will talk about Drake.
In the meantime, watch Part III above. [apple_news_ad type=”any”]