Two years after releasing The Gettin’ Off Stage: Step 2EP, People Under The Stairs have returned with a brand new single titled “Drinking & Jivin.”
“We dug deep and revisited a simpler time on this one: old Mountain Dew commercials – People waterskiing behind horses, rope swings, bridge jumps,” the duo said in a press release. “National Parks, camping and the great American promise of a wilderness and outdoors shared and loved by all.
“This is a song for the last days of summer, for the memories we’ve had and those we’ll still make. We hope the vibe transports you to our campfire where we sit, have a drink and share the last glimmers of August light together as one nation under a groove.”
The track will appear on Thes One and Double K’s next studio album, which is “mostly done” according to the duo.

Stream People Under The Stair’ “Drinking & Jivin” above.
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