Plastered across the front page of Wednesday’s (March 8) Chicago Sun-Times was a headline that read, “Child Support Spat Could Hurt Chance the Rapper’s Image,” a scathing story written by columnist Mary Mitchell. The article comes a mere four days after Chano generously donated $1 million to Chicago Public Schools in hopes of helping the children of Chicago (who he called the city’s “most valuable resource”) get the education they deserve.
Mitchell writes, “[Chano’s] messy split from the mother of his 18-month-old daughter threatens to overshadow the positive vibes created by his $1 million donation to the Chicago Public Schools. Chance, whose given name is Chancelor Bennett, is embroiled in a child-support fight in Cook County court, with new documents in the case filed this week.”
She also downplayed his philanthropic donation and wrote, “$1 million won’t make a dent in the $215 million deficit the Chicago Public Schools is facing” and then accused him of coming to the aid of other people’s children, but not his own. “You can’t hand out money to benefit children you don’t know and come off looking like you are being stingy when it comes to your own child,” she said.
Mitchell, who admits she’s never even heard a single song he’s written, goes on to say Chance would take a “big hit” if the mother of his child, Kirsten Gorley, became embroiled in a public fight with the three-time Grammy Award-winning rapper over child support.

Chance and Gorley have reportedly been on good terms at least since January when Gorley withdrew her initial court filings for a parenting plan. In fact, they are reportedly living together again and he’s shouted her out on songs like “All We Got” from his Grammy Award-winning album, Coloring Book.
Chance posted a video early Thursday (March 9), that also included Gorley and his young daughter, which debunked the article. “Ya’ll better do ya’ll jobs and stop worrying about how good my family is,” he said. “Just a friendly reminder — don’t let anybody get between you and your family.”
He concluded with, “Sun-Times get the fuck back.”
While it’s unclear what exactly Mitchell’s intentions were with the article, it comes across as a desperate and feeble attempt to question his character. From the outside looking in, Lil Chano from 79th is seemingly one of the only young MCs using his massive platform to bring awareness to important causes and contribute in whatever way he can, which is cause for celebration — not condemnation. Whatever issues he has with the mother of his child is between the two of them, and by the looks of it, they appear to be just fine.

Check out the family videos above addressing the issue and a post below where he gets in a short jab at the end.