Jay-Z has taken the first step in boycotting the popular Cristal champagne drink by removing it from his 40/40 nightclub, after the
‘racist’ comments made in The Economist magazine by Louis Roderer courtesy of Cristal’s managing
director, Frederic Rouzaud.
Last week, it was revealed that Rouzaud was unimpressed that the high
market champagne had become popular with hip hop stars, calling the regular
name-checks ‘unwelcome attention’.
“We can’t forbid people from buying it,” told Rouzaud. “I’m
sure Dom Perignon or Krug would be delighted to have their business.”
His comments infuriated the Def Jam President, who has ordered its
removal from his 40/40 sports club/restaurant.

“It has come to my attention that the managing director of Cristal,
Frederic Rouzaud views the ‘hip hop culture’ as ‘unwelcome attention’,”
said Jay-Z.
“I view his comments as racist and will no longer support any of his
products through any of my various brands including the 40/40 Club nor in my
personal life.”
The likes of Jay-Z, P. Diddy, and a whole host of other
rappers have been supporting the upscale beverage since the late Nineties,
often including the name in their lyrics.
A few Years back we did a complete Histroy of Cirstal, read it: