Troy Ave might be in for some awkward conversations over Christmas dinner, with news that someone is trying to extort him by way of sex tape footage from a stolen laptop. Although the unknown thief threatened to unleash the tape unless Harry Powder coughed up $20,000, the Brooklyn rapper doesn’t seem all that bothered by what occurred.
Ave took to Instagram yesterday (Dec. 21) and revealed that he was trying to fish the laptop thief out. In the post, Ave publicized their text conversation along with a caption explaining his side of the matter.
“[S]ome low ass home alone Christmas thief stole a laptop that had footage of me and a chick, I was gon use all the parts that wasn’t that X rated 4 a music video. but now they got all unedited parts And now I’m pose to be gettin finessed out my racks,” wrote Ave.
He added, ” I will Not be extorted. It Ain’t like I’m doing some freaky R Kelly $hit all me and my fans care about us my freedom, this dope music I’m puttin out & hearing #WhiteChristmas4 on Friday.”

The thief threatened to give the footage to The Shade Room site, but a quick look at their Instagram shows that Troy Ave’s personal parts didn’t get the Summer Jam screen treatment.
Check out the Instagram post above.