Lil B recently appeared on NFL Now to discuss the origins of his famed BasedGod curse, which he has bestowed upon both Kevin Durant and James Harden.
“The original curse, still withstanding — and this is all credits due to the BasedGod, I’m Lil B, I just relay the message but the original person that’s cursed [is] Kevin Durant,” he says. “He’s been cursed all season, since last season actually. We have James Harden, currently. He’s currently under the curse. He definitely [deserves it]. And then he’s playing the silent treatment in multiple interviews [claiming] that he doesn’t know who Lil B is. It’s really crazy.”
The Berkeley, California rapper admits that James Harden merely had to give him credit for his victory celebration and he would have avoided the curse.
“All he had to do was a simple thing with the dance that he’s doing,” Lil B says. “He’s calling it the ‘Stirring The Pot’ but it came from the Lil B ‘Cooking Dance’ celebration. All he gotta do is just show a little bit of love, man.

“We gotta make sure we don’t steal and not give credit,” Lil B adds later in the interview. “I think that’s a big thing. James Harden took that [dance].”
Later answering questions from fans, Lil B admitted that it’s still possible for a player to succeed even if bestowed with the BasedGod curse.
“You just gotta fight through it, keep positive and show your true heart,” Lil B says. “The whole thing about being cursed is just making sure you grow from the situation and just try to be the best player that you can be.”
Lil B’s interview with NFL Now can be viewed below:
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