The Game is saying that an affiliate of Chris Brown‘s is responsible for his car being defaced and the singer’s home being invaded, TMZ reports.
“Tell these fans who really had Chris brown auntie tied up & his house broke in you pussy ass faggot,” The Game says to Wackstar.
He continues with a threat.
“When I see you I’m gone break yo fuckin jaw…So have yo gun on you pussy,” The Game says.

Wackstar reportedly responded on Instagram.
“I know the real you, you wouldn’t hurt a fuckin fly,” he says. “#ChangeOfHeartAssNigga”
The Game was on a reality show called Change of Heart before he gained notoriety as a rapper.
The Game also recently feuded with Chris Brown on Instagram over the singer’s ex-girlfriend Karrueche Tran.

The Documentary 2 is scheduled for a September 25 release date.
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