50 Cent is known for his antics on social media as well as being an outspoken person. And while consequences of his actions on Twitter and Instagram usually field some public backlash, Fif has steered clear of legal problems in that realm. Until now.
50 and Rick Ross supposedly squashed their infamous beef six years ago but there is still residue from the bout finding its way into the current day. The Queens native is slated to head to trial stemming from a lawsuit via Rick Ross’ child’s mother, Lastonia Leviston.
50 Cent leaked a sex tape of Lastonia Leviston, which clocked over 3.2 million views on YouTube. Leviston claims the video was released without her consent and is suing for emotional distress. According to the New York Daily News, the trial proceedings are scheduled to start in June.
50 Cent previously attempted to have the trial dismissed but was unsuccessful.

The case’s deposition stated he was given the sex tape from Maurice Murray, the man originally featured in the tape with the plaintiff. The original version, which 50 said he didn’t actually post himself, depicted Murray with a blurred out face, however Leviston’s identity was not censored. 50 subsequently doctored the video to have himself as the character “Pimpin’ Curly,” an attempt to mock Ross.
For more 50 Cent coverage, watch the following DX Daily:

(March 15, 2015)
UDPATE: 50 Cent has filed a lawsuit claiming that Rick Ross or a member of his team were the ones who released a sex tape featuring Lastonia Leviston for which 50 Cent is facing trail, according to TMZ.
50 Cent says he did not release the tape in question, that he only provided a link to it.

According to the court documents, 50 Cent provided to the court an interview Rick Ross did with a radio station saying he was going to leak the sex tape. The video was posted the next day.
50 Cent says that Rick Ross should have to pay any judgment levied against him in the Leviston case given that Rick Ross is the one who leaked the tape.