In an online broadcast that has been covered by the likes of Time and The Guardian for its takedown of currently scandalized politician Republican Rep. Steve Scalise, the former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, David Duke, makes direct mention of rapper Nicki Minaj and calls into question the morality of her music. After portions of a speech Scalise delivered to an anti-Semitic hate group Duke founded in 2002 were made public, the politician has tried his best to distance himself from the former KKK leader.
In addition to claiming he wouldn’t vote for Scalise himself due to the Republican politician’s leniency on Israel, Duke ranted tirelessly about what he sees as the eventual demise of the American public at the hands of a Jewish elite in his latest broadcast. According to Time, Duke said, “I really believe that the Zio-globalists that control the American media, finance and government are leading us all to disaster, both African Americans, white Americans, all Americans.”
“Why do people blame blacks like Minaj?” he later asked. “Because Minaj wouldn’t be a pimple on somebody’s rear end except for the fact that she is promoted by the Jewish record producers and the media, the mass media, the powerful media, that promotes absolute degenerates like her.”
Earlier in the show, Duke took aim at Gangster Rap as a whole, saying eventually, “Rap music is not something that Blacks were really responsible for, it was the Jewish record producers who promoted this degenerate and sick music.”

“Take a look at Gangster Rap,” he said. “Take a look at constant media, chronic media. Talking about Gangster Rap elevating and making exciting Black criminality, thuggery, promoting drugs, promoting all sorts of sexual abuse, abuse of women. The videos for Black rappers and so forth show women at their feet, sucking their toes or God-knows what else. Just being practically slaves to Black males. You take a look at it, the media in this country—and it’s for white people too, European-Americans are affected by it too, but Black people have been really affected by it. This Black, so-called Gangster Rap and this other disgusting and degrading degenerate music which is the most popular music among the Black people and a good sector of the white people—just look at the Nicki Minaj. I don’t even want you to look at it it’s so horrible. You will never hear more of the ‘n-word,’ more words about ass—God knows I’m not gonna say all the things they say. Every kind of filthy word. Every kind of filthy, violent drug-promoting material. It’s just absolutely sickening. It’s the most amazing thing you ever heard. And the guy that produces all that, one of the Jewish producers, in fact, the entire music industry is absolutely controlled by the Zionists, the Jewish extremists, the same ones in the media that support Israel and basically pervert our country and the interest of America for that of Israel…One of the Jewish producers was boasting about the fact that every one of the Top 10 Billboard songs were those he controlled. So, I tell ya, even Rap music is not something that Blacks really were responsible for. It was the Jewish record producers who promoted this degenerate and sick music.”
For additional Nicki Minaj coverage, watch the following DX Daily: