Cypress Hill is set to have DJ Muggs on board for its next project,
“It’s been a while since we’ve worked with Muggs on the production end,” B-Real says in an interview with REVOLT. “This is gonna be a really good one. It’s been a different process for us, but it’s gonna be slammin.'”
As REVOLT reports, Muggs last worked on a Cypress Hill album in 2004 for the group’s Till Death Do Us Part.
Muggs spoke about this last year.

“We’re in the beginning stages, but moving along smoothly,” DJ Muggs said in a statement, as per NME. “The sound is anti-everything that’s popular and is in a world of its own. The lyrics delivered with the vocal tenacity of a stoned gypsy roaming across the country through the mist. The date of the release is encrypted on the Cypress Hill website.”
At the time, B-Real said the following.
“It’s great to have DJ Muggs back at the helm of the production,” B-Real said. “When Muggs, Sen and I work together there’s a chemistry between us that brings forth powerful music. It’s going to be ill, man. He’s got fire and a lot of people have been waiting for us to reunite like that, so we’re all looking forward to it.”