Lauryn Hill is moving out of the New Jersey mansion she was renting. The move comes after her landlords sued her for eviction and before she reports to prison for tax evasion, according to The rapper-singer has been ordered to report to prison no later than July 8.
Hill’s landlords accused her of not paying her March rent and then filed for eviction. The singer has reportedly reached a settlement with her landlords, agreeing to pay the outstanding $7,000 in rent and move out of the residence no later than May 31, according to The report did not say if Hill had moved out of the home yet.
Hill was sentenced to three months in prison in May for tax evasion. She was facing up to three years in prison but received a reduced sentence after paying her $900,000 bill.
Hill accumulated her tax bill by failing to file tax returns in 2005, 2006 and 2007. On April 15, Hill cited threats on her family as a reason she missed her tax payments. The court documents she filed with those claims did not specify who Hill said was threatening her. On April 25, Hill wrote on her Tumblr page that she would be launching a new label, releasing new music and entering into a new recording contract. She did not discuss her tax situation in detail in the post.

In May, Hill’s fellow The Fugees member Pras said that he had reached out to Hill in order to lend his support to her. Pras also said he didn’t think Hill would be required to serve her full sentence.
RELATED:Lauryn Hill Sentenced To Three Months In Prison For Tax Evasion