It has been nearly ten years since the shooting of Jason “Jam Master Jay” Mizell and the case is still unsolved. Most recently the New York Daily News reported that Curtis Scoon put a hit out on Jay after a dispute concerning a drug debt. However, Scoon has maintained his innocence in the process.
In a recent interview with AllHipHop, Scoon explained that he was “taken aback” by allegations made against him.
“I read the article in today’s New York Daily News and was taken aback by the persistent efforts to connect me to the tragic death of Jason Mizell,” he shared. “I addressed my non-involvement in this crime several months back with ScoonTV, I believe readers will find it quite informative.”
Currently, Ronald Washington is serving a sentence for armed robbery. He reportedly admitted to having a role in the killing of Mizell. According to reports, Washington admitted guilt to a former girlfriend who reported this crime to police. However, another source claims that his former girlfriend’s claims have changed “three or four times” since they were first reported.
While witnesses were on the scene, police have been unable to follow any leads. The head detective on the case, Vincent Santangelo, says it is because no one will or no one can cooperate information. As a result, law enforcement is still in search of the person who killed Jay.
Mizell’s family member were also interviewed for the piece in the NY Daily News. Mizell’s mother, Connie Mizell-Perry, expressed her feelings on the matter.

“One of these days, you’re going to think you have it made and someone is going to tap you on the shoulder and say, ‘Gotcha!’”