Kendrick Lamar recently chopped it up with Alternative News, touching on a few topics including whether he thinks we landed on the moon and the scariest thing he’s witnessed. But he also touched on why he doesn’t vote, explaining that there are forces beyond the government controlling such things and that an individual ballot doesn’t matter.
“My vote counts? I don’t do no voting. I will keep it straight up real with you. I don’t believe in none of the shit that’s going on in the world,” he said. “You talk with me, you talk with me for hours because everything has a contradiction, everything is higher ranking and way beyond us, way beyond people. So basically, do what you do, do good with your people and live your life because what’s going on isn’t really in our hands.
“When I say the president can’t even control the world, then you definitely know there’s something else out there pushing the buttons,” he continued. “They could do whatever they want to do, we all puppets. Just play your cards right.”
Watch the video below (via IFWT).
[August 28]

UPDATE: Kendrick Lamar took to Twitter to address comments that he made on why he doesn’t vote, upholding his stance and stating that people should cast a ballot for the “right reasons.”
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