Last Call with Carson Daly recent caught up with Lupe Fiasco to plug his latest album Lasers and his current Generation Laser tour. During the interview, Lupe discussed how his Chicago upbring affected and influenced the music that he makes today. He explained that his father’s political activism and involvement with the Black Panther party shaped the his lyrics and socially conscious message.
“That activism, that kind of question[ing of] power, that kind of going out there and standing up for the little guy and be that revolutionary and that kind of radical is the family business,” he said. “It was in our DNA. We grew up as that. My father was active [in politics]. He was actively out [there] restarting and reconfiguring the new Black Panther party.”
Faisco also discussed the current Occupy Wall Street movement in New York City and numerous other cities across the states. Lupe, who was seen wearing an Occupy Wall Street t-shirt in support of the protests during his performance at the BET Hip Hop Awards, says that he wholly supports the movement and has been urging his fans to start similar movements in their own cities. He also added that he likes how Occupy Wall Street acts as a classroom for many people who use the open environment to spread knowledge about a host of political issues.
“[Occupy Wall Street] started when we were right beginning our Generation Lasers Tour…[and] certain cities didn’t have it yet, so we would go to a certain city and I would kind of sow the seed and say, ‘Hey, you guys should be occupying your city right now because they’re doing it in New York [and] Philadelphia,'” he said. “It’s a great classroom, so even people who aren’t aware of certain issues to be frustrated about, when you come out and you be in the midst or a general assembly or just a random conversation with a few people that are there, the insight that you’ll gain about your own situation…[is] just amazing.”

Check out the full interview below.

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